Receipt OCR API

Instantly extract data from receipts, including line items, in 91 currencies and 38 languages.

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Receipt OCR API

What is Receipt OCR?

Receipt OCR (optical character recognition or optical character reader) is the electronic or mechanical conversion of receipt images, receipt paper, and handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text using software. This work traditionally required manual human labor but that was inefficient and ripe for mistakes. With Veryfi, a picture/scan of a document like a receipt is taken using the lens app (a scanned document) and the OCR software then pulls out data the user has deemed relevant. This can also happen with existing photo files or PDFs that are emailed to your Veryfi account. Once the transformation happens, the data is available for bookkeeping or business intelligence.

Receipt OCR is a crucial part of successful machine-based data extraction in data transformation automation and saves tons of money, eliminates labor burdens, and creates new product offerings. Veryfi uses Receipt OCR with machine processes such as cognitive computing, machine translation, (extracted) text-to-speech, key data and text mining, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, and computer vision to automate accounting in new and transformative ways.

Unlock your data in 3 simple steps

Process your receipts in less time than it takes to read this.

See for yourself.

No matter your work, Veryfi makes it work

FinTech Software

FinTech Software

Give your app superpowers with just a few lines of code to accelerate time to market, delight customers, and drive growth.

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Loyalty Marketing

Loyalty Marketing

Add receipt capture features to your loyalty app and unlock instant purchase validation with valuable cross-basket insights.

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AP Automation

AP Automation

Launch Veryfi in days, not months, to eliminate manual data entry and unleash your team’s full potential.

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  • Line Item Details

    Unlock valuable cross-basket insights by capturing SKU-level details from receipts.

  • Global Language & Currency Support

    Launch innovative loyalty marketing campaigns and apps for your customers around the world.

  • Fraud Prevention Features

    Automatically detect duplicate receipts without the need for manual review by a clearing house.

  • Developer-Friendly Solution

    Your developers can add Veryfi to your loyalty app with just a few lines of code.

  • Compliance with Regulations
    Veryfi is SOC 2 Type 2 certified and 100% automated, helping you comply with privacy regulations.
  • Mobile & Web Compatibility
    Developer-friendly technology can be easily added to your mobile and web apps.

Complementary products from Veryfi to turn receipts into customer insights.

Complementary products from Veryfi to turn receipts into customer insights.


The fastest, most accurate OCR APIs on the market to validate purchases and turn CPG receipts into valuable customer insights.

Lens Mobile Capture Framework

Lens Mobile Capture Framework

Mobile framework for enhancing your loyalty app with innovative receipt capture features.

Supported Fields

  • Vendor/Merchant
    • Name and Raw Name
    • Address and Raw Address
    • Logo
    • Phone
    • Fax
    • Email
    • Latitude
    • Longitude
    • Website Url
    • Logo
    • Vendor Category
    • Vendor Account currency
    • VAT Number (Value-Added Tax)
    • ABN Number (Australian Business Number)
    • Vendor Registration Number
    • Store Number Name (enriched)
    • Learn more …
  • Dates
    • Invoice Date
    • Due Date
    • Order Date
    • Ship Date
    • Delivery Date
    • Start Date (or arrival in hotel folio)
    • End Date (or departure in hotel folio)
    • Line Item Start Date (service provided dates)
    • Line Item End Date (service provided dates)
    • Learn more …
  • Line-Items
    • Date
    • SKU (Stock keeping unit)
    • UPC (Universal Product Code)
    • HSN (Harmonized System Code/Number)
    • Category
    • Section
    • Description
    • Quantity
    • Reference
    • Unit of Measure
    • Price
    • Tax
    • Tax Rate
    • Discount
    • Discount Rate
    • Total
    • Type (food, product, alcohol,..)
    • Weight (eg. kg/lb)
    • Start/End Date
    • Country of Origin
    • Lot number
    • Learn more …
  • Financials
    • Subtotal
    • Discount
    • Cashback
    • Shipping cost
    • Tax (VAT, GST)
    • Tax Lines
    • Tip
    • Total
    • Rounding
    • Currency Code
    • Currency Exchange Rate
    • Insurance
    • Incoterms
    • Balance (current / previous)
    • Learn more …
  • Tax Lines Breakdown
    • Tax name
    • Tax rate %
    • Tax total
    • Tax base
  • Meta
    • Document Type (receipt/check/purchase order/invoice etc)
    • Document Title
    • Category
    • Tag
    • OCR Text
  • Ship To
    • Name
    • Address
    • Tracking Number
    • Ship Date
    • Delivery Date
    • Order Date
    • Incoterms
    • Insurance
    • Weight + List
  • Bank Information
    • Bank name
    • Bank number
    • Routing number
    • Account number
    • IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
    • SWIFT / BIC
    • Learn more …
  • Barcodes
  • Payment Method
    • Card Type (eg. visa, mastercard etc)
    • Card Number
    • Terms
  • Identifiers
    • Account Number
    • Invoice Number
    • PO (Purchase Order) Number
    • Reference Number
  • Bill To
    • Name
    • Address
    • Phone Number
    • Email
    • VAT Number
    • ABN Number
    • Bill to ABN Number
    • Payment Terms
    • Business Registration Number
OCR API Platform
from veryfi import Client
my_client = Client (). config_receipt ( "api-key" )
receipt_doc = my_client. doc_from_path ( "/path/to/receipt.jpg" )
parsed_receipt = receipt_doc. parse ( "receipt" )
Lens Mobile Capture Framework
$ node server.js && veryfi listen
> Ready! Waiting for requests…
2022-09-04 13:54:57 [ 200 ] 2022-09-04 13:54:57 [200] receipt_data.created
2022-09-04 13:54:57 [ 200 ] charge.succeeded
2022-09-04 13:54:57 [ 200 ] receipt_data.succeeded

Focus on the problems only your team can solve.

Integrate Veryfi with just a few lines of code, liberating your team to stay focused on building industry-leading customer experiences.