Automate Document Processing with AI

Accelerate AP workflows by 200x and liberate your team’s potential to focus on work that truly matters.

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AP Automation

Trusted by companies from seed → scale

Volvo with OCR powered by Veryfi APIs REVENIR with OCR powered by Veryfi APIs PROCURIFY with OCR powered by Veryfi APIs ADAPTIVE Builders with OCR powered by Veryfi APIs TRAVELIT with OCR powered by Veryfi APIs Ernst & Young EY with OCR powered by Veryfi APIs

A leading AP solution provider processed a 70,000+ document backlog in just over a week. Guess whose backlog Veryfi processed?
Volvo, Veryfi Customer

Process your invoices in less time than it takes to read this.

See for yourself.

Unlock your data in 3 simple steps

AP Automation Toolkit

Veryfi OCR API processes documents and extracts data for 110+ fields including line items from invoices, purchase orders, and more. Click Discover More to get your AP automation toolkit! Download your AP automation solution brief to get strategies for driving game-changing growth.

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OCR API Platform
from veryfi import Client
my_client = Client (). config_receipt ( "api-key" )
receipt_doc = my_client. doc_from_path ( "/path/to/receipt.jpg" )
parsed_receipt = receipt_doc. parse ( "receipt" )
$ node server.js && veryfi listen
> Ready! Waiting for requests…
2022-09-04 13:54:57 [ 200 ] receipt_data.created
2022-09-04 13:54:57 [ 200 ] charge.succeeded
2022-09-04 13:54:57 [ 200 ] receipt_data.succeeded


  • Increase Efficiency

    Increase Efficiency

    Accelerate AP workflows 200x by eliminating manual data entry.

  • Reduce Human Error

    Reduce Human Error

    Day 1 Accuracy™ delivers the industry’s best time to value, reducing error rates by up to 10%.

  • Comply With Regulations

    Comply With Regulations

    Veryfi is SOC 2 Type 2 certified, helping you ensure data privacy and regulatory compliance.

  • Accelerate Time To Value

    Accelerate Time To Value

    Integrate Veryfi in days, not months – no templates required.


  • Pre-Trained AI

    Veryfi OCR APIs are pre-trained on hundreds of millions of documents for Day 1 Accuracy™.

  • Automatic Data Enrichment

    Veryfi automatically provides: vendor enrichment, business ID lookup, document categorization, line item expansion & categorization, and due date calculation.

  • Line Item Details

    Enable 3-way matching by accurately extracting line item details in invoices, POs, bills of lading, and other documents in your AP workflows and procure-to-pay lifecycle.

  • Standardized APIs

    Veryfi RESTful APIs return formatted JSON with consistent labels for extracted data, so your team can easily integrate Veryfi into your enterprise apps.

  • Enterprise-Grade Security
    Veryfi is SOC 2 Type 2 certified and 100% automated, ensuring that your sensitive data stays in your control.
  • Mobile Capture Framework
    Add Veryfi Lens to your mobile enterprise apps to support business processes that include remote workers, such as freight and delivery personnel.